Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Arsenal....a blip or a darker future?

As an Arsenal fan the start of the season has been quite hurtful and so unlike what any fan could of expected even with the departure of Nasri and Fabregas.

When I get a spare 5 minutes I sometimes find myself looking on YouTube at old videos of the days of Henry/Campbell/Vieira/Bergkamp or a little further back Wright/Adams/Seaman/Merson... I could go on with the names to be honest and the one thing they all had in common was they were game winners pure and simple.

If you have taken a few minutes to watch the well made video above, my question is.....will this ever happen again or will all Arsenal fans have to dream of a past team and look at a future of just getting by in the Premier League.
While as an Arsenal fan I'm hopeful and always dedicated to my team I'm also fearful this could be the end of a most enjoyable era with more ups then downs and some amazing players along the way.

Whats your thoughts guys?


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