Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Wenger Admits That Mutiny Was Close.

Wenger has said that it has been the most difficult pre-season since his reign started way back in the mid-nineties. A combination of Fabregas and Nasri wanting out has been the main reason for this near mutiny situation and despite the good signing of Arteta among others Arsenal still haven't been able to fully recover as is evident from the league table... 10 points from 10 games just unheard of in recent Gunners history.

Would the start of the season been so bad if Fabregas had left early in pre-season?
Would Arsenal have more points if all of their signings were made early on in pre-season so they were all together for a couple of months before the premiership started?

Arsene Wenger thinks the Gunners can still make the top 4 and as it's only mid October maybe this is still a realistic target... After the Sunderland result can they build and make their way up the table?... All Arsenal fans are desperately hoping so.

It's strange to say but now Fabregas and Nasri have left the squad they can build with players that want to play for them and if Wenger can take anything out of a bad situation is that when a player no longer wants to play for the team he must deal with it sooner rather the later and buy replacements.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. i reckon they will be okay... no trophies but top four still, i jus think all teams part from man city man utd and chelsea arent very consistant.
