Tuesday, 25 October 2011

What a Weekend of Football.

Another great weekend of premiership football has come and gone and with that possibly the title challange of Man Utd and Chelsea aswell.
Man City will feel a massive sense of achievement beating Man Utd 6-1 and in all honesty it's a result that shocked me even with Utd being down to 10 men.
Can Man Utd bounce back straight away or will this of hit them like they hit Arsenal earlier on this season? It took Arsenal a fair few games to recover from the 8-2 mauling but after the 3-1 win over Stoke at the weekend there record in all competitions stands at 6 wins in 7 games.
Even as an Arsenal fan I must say I felt sorry for Chelsea at the weekend who deserved a point for me but when you have 9 men it's tough... Robbed by the ref in my opinion but what's your opinion?

Is the title going to the blue half of Manchester?
Do Blackburn stand any chance of staying up?
Are Arsenal back?

Have your say.

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